Overriding default theme components in Vuepress 2


Shortly after I wrote this post, one of the Vuepress 2.x maintianers decided to implement alias (opens new window) on all the default theme components. Use that method (opens new window) to override theme components!

I've included the "legacy" post below, but know that it is outdated information and shouldn't be used in your project when using alias works great.

# Legacy Post

tl;dr Because theme-default in Vuepress 2.x doesn't implement alias, you'll need to use the slots provided by theme-default's Layout.vue.

Vuepress is a great way to get sites going quickly and it comes with a default theme that doesn't look half-bad, particularly if you're making a documentation site for a code project. However, there's always some assumption that the default theme (theme-default (opens new window)) makes that isn't going to jive with your plans for documentation domination. Typically this means you're going to want to edit one of the Vue components provided by theme-default.

In Vuepress 1.x, the fix was easy: simply creating a new component in your theme's /components directory worked as long as you correctly extended the theme.

However, Vuepress 2.x made a few changes that breaks this ability:

  1. It dropped finding components by convention (opens new window); you'll have to either explicitly load components OR use @vuepress/plugin-register-components.
  2. theme-default doesn't use the "alias" functionality (opens new window), which is the recommended method for allowing theme authors to extend your theme's components: https://v2.vuepress.vuejs.org/reference/default-theme/extending.html#components-replacement

# The Almighty Slot

Fortunately, if you like theme-default and want to hack around with it, there's an easy and clean way to extend most of the major components, like the navbar, sidebar, and footer: using slots.

Slots are areas defined in a Vuepress layout where content can be swapped in by people overriding your theme. For example, in theme-default you'll see the following:

    <slot name="navbar">
      <Navbar v-if="shouldShowNavbar" @toggle-sidebar="toggleSidebar">
        <template #before>
          <slot name="navbar-before" />
        <template #after>
          <slot name="navbar-after" />

By creating our own Layout.vue, we can implement the navbar slot and insert our own Navbar component within it.

# 1. Create Your Own Navbar component

Create the new file:

mkdir theme/components
touch theme/components/Navbar.vue

Create a new Vue component for your Navbar. You can start by copying the Navbar from theme-default:

cp project-root/node_modules/@vuepress/theme-default/lib/client/components/Navbar.vue

If you do that, you'll need to edit the import statements to respect the path change:

import { useDarkMode, useThemeLocaleData } from '@vuepress/theme-default/lib/client/composables'
import NavbarLinks from '@vuepress/theme-default/lib/client/components/NavbarLinks.vue'
import ToggleDarkModeButton from '@vuepress/theme-default/lib/client/components/ToggleDarkModeButton.vue'
import ToggleSidebarButton from '@vuepress/theme-default/lib/client/components/ToggleSidebarButton.vue'

# 2. Load The Component

As earlier mentioned, you have two choices for loading the component. I'll show you how to manually load it using clientAppEnhance.js.

Create a file named clientAppEnhance.js at the root of your .vuepress file, and insert the following:

import { defineClientAppEnhance } from "@vuepress/client";
import Navbar from "./theme/components/Navbar.vue";

export default defineClientAppEnhance(({ app, router, siteData }) => {
  app.component("Navbar", Navbar);

# 2. Configure Your Theme to Extend theme-default

Your theme's index.js should look something like this:

const { path } = require('@vuepress/utils')

module.exports = {
  theme: path.resolve(__dirname, '.'),
  extends: '@vuepress/theme-default',
  layouts: {
    Layout: path.resolve(__dirname, 'layouts/Layout.vue'),

# 3. Create your Layout.vue and Insert Your Navbar.vue into The Slot

Create Layout.vue in your theme directory's "layouts" folder, then override the theme-default's "navbar" slot to insert your own Navbar component:

    <template #navbar>
      <Navbar />

import Layout from '@vuepress/theme-default/lib/client/layouts/Layout.vue'

export default {
  components: {

With that, you should see the content of your Navbar.vue displayed instead of theme-default's normal navbar!